List Of All Keyboard Commands Available Mac

Mac keyboard shortcuts improve productivity by making tasks faster. Command (⌘) + Option + Esc force quits unresponsive apps instantly. Command (⌘) + Shift + V pastes without formatting. Command (⌘) + D duplicates selected files. Control + Command (⌘) + Space opens the emoji picker. Command (⌘) + H hides active apps for a clutter-free workspace.

Mac computers come with a variety of keyboard commands (also called shortcuts) that make tasks quicker and easier. Whether you’re navigating macOS, managing files, or using apps efficiently, keyboard commands can save time and improve productivity.

In this article, we’ll provide a complete list of Mac keyboard commands, categorized by function, so you can boost your workflow like a pro.

Basic Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

These essential shortcuts help you perform common actions quickly:

Command (⌘) + CCopy selected item
Command (⌘) + XCut selected item
Command (⌘) + VPaste copied or cut item
Command (⌘) + ZUndo last action
Command (⌘) + Shift + ZRedo last undone action
Command (⌘) + ASelect all items
Command (⌘) + SSave the current file
Command (⌘) + PPrint the current document
Command (⌘) + QQuit the active app
Command (⌘) + WClose the active window

Finder and File Management Shortcuts:

Managing files and navigating Finder becomes easier with these shortcuts:

Command (⌘) + NOpen a new Finder window
Command (⌘) + Shift + NCreate a new folder
Command (⌘) + DeleteMove selected file to Trash
Command (⌘) + Shift + DeleteEmpty the Trash
Command (⌘) + DDuplicate selected file
Command (⌘) + IGet file information (Info window)
Command (⌘) + Option + EscForce quit an app
Command (⌘) + SpaceOpen Spotlight search

Also Read: How To Cut Copy and Paste on Keyboard – Complete Guide!

Window and App Management Shortcuts

These commands make it easier to switch between and manage apps:

Command (⌘) + TabSwitch between open apps
Command (⌘) + HHide active app window
Command (⌘) + MMinimize active window
Command (⌘) + Option + MMinimize all open windows
Command (⌘) + ` (tilde)Switch between windows of the same app
Command (⌘) + Shift + 3Capture a screenshot
Command (⌘) + Shift + 4Capture a selected area screenshot

Text Editing and Navigation Shortcuts

Editing documents is faster with these shortcuts:

Command (⌘) + BBold text
Command (⌘) + IItalicize text
Command (⌘) + UUnderline text
Command (⌘) + Arrow LeftMove to the beginning of a line
Command (⌘) + Arrow RightMove to the end of a line
Option + Arrow LeftMove to the previous word
Option + Arrow RightMove to the next word
Command (⌘) + Up ArrowScroll to the top of a document
Command (⌘) + Down ArrowScroll to the bottom of a document

Safari and Web Browsing Shortcuts

Browsing the web is easier with these commands:

Command (⌘) + TOpen a new tab
Command (⌘) + WClose current tab
Command (⌘) + Shift + TReopen last closed tab
Command (⌘) + RRefresh the page
Command (⌘) + LHighlight the address bar
Command (⌘) + FFind text on a page
Command (⌘) + [Go back to the previous page
Command (⌘) + ]Go forward to the next page

Mission Control and Desktop Management Shortcuts

Easily organize multiple desktops and windows:

Control + Up ArrowOpen Mission Control
Control + Down ArrowShow all windows of the active app
Control + Left ArrowSwitch to the previous desktop
Control + Right ArrowSwitch to the next desktop
Command (⌘) + F3Show Desktop (Hide all windows)

Shutdown, Restart, and Sleep Shortcuts

Quickly manage your Mac’s power settings:

Control + Power ButtonShow shutdown menu
Command (⌘) + Control + PowerForce restart
Command (⌘) + Option + PowerPut Mac to sleep

Also Read: Keyboard Does Not Work – Troubleshooting Guide!

Accessibility Shortcuts

Make your Mac easier to use with these accessibility shortcuts:

Command (⌘) + Option + 8Toggle Zoom on/off
Command (⌘) + Option + +Zoom in
Command (⌘) + Option + –Zoom out
Option + Command (⌘) + F5Open accessibility options


1. What are Mac keyboard shortcuts?

Mac keyboard shortcuts are key combinations that help users perform actions quickly, such as copying, pasting, switching apps, and managing files, improving efficiency and reducing reliance on a mouse.

2. How do I find all Mac keyboard shortcuts?

You can find Mac shortcuts in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts or by checking Apple’s official support page. This article also provides a complete list of useful commands.

3. What is the most useful Mac shortcut?

One of the most useful shortcuts is Command (⌘) + Space, which opens Spotlight Search, allowing users to quickly find files, apps, and perform calculations without opening Finder.

4. How do I switch between open apps using a Mac shortcut?

Press Command (⌘) + Tab to cycle through open applications. Hold Command and keep pressing Tab until you select the app you want to switch to.

5. Are there shortcuts to take a screenshot on Mac?

Yes. Use Command (⌘) + Shift + 3 to capture the whole screen, Command (⌘) + Shift + 4 for a selected area, and Command (⌘) + Shift + 5 for more options.

6. How can I quickly close an application on Mac?

Press Command (⌘) + Q to quit an application. If the app is unresponsive, use Command (⌘) + Option + Esc to force quit it.

7. What is the shortcut for minimizing windows on Mac?

Press Command (⌘) + M to minimize the active window. To minimize all windows of an app, use Command (⌘) + Option + M.

8. Is there a shortcut to lock my Mac screen?

Yes. Press Command (⌘) + Control + Q to lock your screen instantly. This is useful for securing your Mac when stepping away from your workspace.

9. How do I manage multiple desktops using shortcuts?

Use Control + Left Arrow or Control + Right Arrow to switch between desktops. Open Mission Control with Control + Up Arrow to see all open windows and desktops.

10. How do I restart or shut down my Mac using a shortcut?

Press Control + Power Button to open the shutdown menu. To force restart, use Command (⌘) + Control + Power, and for sleep mode, press Command (⌘) + Option + Power.


Mastering Mac keyboard shortcuts makes navigation faster and more efficient, saving time and reducing effort. Whether managing files, switching apps, editing text, or browsing the web, these shortcuts improve productivity. Regular practice helps you work like a pro, making daily tasks easier and smoother. Start using these shortcuts today, and you’ll soon enjoy a seamless macOS experience. Keep exploring, and enhance your workflow!

By Admin

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